Why We Cannot Afford To Harbour Dissatisfied Feelings ?

Broken, Choices, Christ, Contented, Dissatisfied, Feelings, Goals, Heart Attack, Investments, Joy, Sick, Sold, Trap, Why We Cannot Afford To Harbour Dissatisfied Feelings ?

This one is HUGE!!! But I am going to attempt to condense this into 8 sentences instead of the 8 encyclopedias that I can write right now on this topic.

Why We Cannot Afford To Harbour Dissatisfied Feelings ?

1. There is a tremendous impact of harbouring and reminiscing on the dissatisfaction we feel or the discontentment we experience – it is a price way too expensive for us to pay – we cannot afford it – it affects every aspect of our lives.

2. Literally speaking I know people who are worrying their heads off – skipping meals they could afford to purchase investments at the price of their soul, at the price of a heart attack – just because their friends or their acquaintances are doing so.

3. Harbouring Dissatisfied Feelings will make you busy mopping up other people’s goals and aspirations to the point where these goals and aspirations you stole or are coveting will bring you into unnecessary disaster or uncontrollable debt.

4. Harbouring Dissatisfied Feelings can distract you from treasuring and being thankful for what God has blessed you with and will rob you of the ability to wait for God’s timing and His approval – which is paramount to true success.

5. Harbouring Dissatisfied Feelings is a “24-hour energy depleter” that steals your joy, life and happiness and causes you to end up sick, brokes or dead.

6. Dissatisfied Feelings are a distinctive trap set by satan and sometimes set by ourselves, these Dissatisfied Feelings we treasure can push us to milk everything around us and then realise when it is too late that the more important blessings around us we already had them.

7. Harbouring Dissatisfied Feelings can cause us to put so much effort into a goal or aspiration that by the time we achieve it – we cannot even use it because our dissatisfaction and discontentment that we employed has now become such a fundamental part of our character that we are shocked at the disgruntled ‘dungeon of despair personality’ we have become.

8. The challenge: Look at the brightness found in being grateful to those around you – be satisfied and contented with the blessing of life you have from God today !!

The specifics:
James 4:10 KJV – Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.

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